This past Sunday was Mother’s day, which got me thinking. Here we take a day to celebrate women, mom’s in particular. I’m continually fascinated with what it means to be a woman, a strong woman, to be exact. You could say it’s my journey as a woman to be more authentic. (This is a picture of my Mom and Dad. Aren’t they cute?)

Anyway, I was thinking about moms and this is what struck me: From the very beginning, women were created to give life. It doesn’t take much studying of our bodies to find that our very organs are designed to create, house, and birth life. It’s an amazing ability, one that makes us super women alone, but it’s not the physical I want to discuss today. After all, there are many women who struggle with the ability to have children, and there are those who are too young to do so, but that doesn’t not mean they are less in any way. In fact, all women have the ability to give life.

So, while our bodies are amazing purveyors of life, our minds, hearts, and mouths are more so.

The things we say to those around us can give life or strip it away. We can encourage or discourage. We can build up or tear down. Every word that comes out of our mouths has the power to help people or to hurt them.

When I tell my daughter I love to watch her play softball, her face lights up. When I tell my son listening to him sing makes my heart happy, he brightens. When I tell my youngest she’s a great baker, she bakes again the next day. Filling their heads and hearts with positive thoughts helps them to do better, to think better, to be better. When I encourage the young people in our School of the Arts program, they excel and show a greater desire to learn and lead.

Words can achieve amazing things. Maybe this is why I’m a writer. I know the power words can have, so playing with them all day makes me happy.

There’s a song by Toby Mac called Speak Life that talks about the power of what we speak. Check it out.

So tell me, have you seen the eyes of your children come alive when you’ve told them they’ve done a good job? How about when you say, “I love watching you (Fill in the blank).” Have you thanked someone lately? Have you taken the time to hand write a note? Have you encouraged your friend? Have you told another woman she’s beautiful today? I’d love to hear how you have spoken life or how someone has spoken life into you this week.

Drop a note in the comments!

V1-Some days life feels perfect
Other days, it just ain’t workin’
The good, the bad, the right, the wrong
And everything in between

Yo it’s crazy, amazing
We can turn our heart through the words we say
Mountains crumble with every syllable
Hope can live or die


So speak life, speak life
To the deadest darkest night
Speak life, speak life
When the sun won’t shine and you don’t know why
Look into the eyes of the broken hearted
Watch them come alive as soon as you speak hope
You speak love, you speak
You speak life, oh oh oh oh oh
You speak life, oh oh oh oh oh


Some days the tongue gets twisted
Other day my thoughts just fall apart
I do, I don’t, I will, I won’t
It’s like I’m drowning in the deep

Well, it’s crazy to imagine
Words from my lips as the arms of compassion
Mountains crumble with every syllable
Hope can live or die



Lift your head a little higher
Spread the love like fire
Hope will fall like rain
When you speak life with the words you say
Raise your thoughts a little higher
Use your words to inspire
Joy will fall like rain when you speak life with the things you say

Lift your head a little higher
Spread the love like fire
Hope will fall like rain
When you speak life with the words you say…
