Wondering how Wonder Woman did it all.

Ever feel like life is passing you by? It’s almost June. How did that happen? I had great intentions of re-booting my blog and already I’ve found it difficult to keep up with. Life is difficult to keep up with. With June comes end of the year field trips, chaperoning music events, Graduation, Father’s Day, and several birthdays (at least for my family). The kids are excited about summer. I’m worried about how I’ll get anything done with everyone home.

Busyness. It’s a plague we get sucked into. You don’t have to be a mom or even a woman to feel the pressure of busyness.

I know some people thrive on being busy, but for me, I need quiet time. Down time. It means I have to be careful what I say yes to, and it means I have to say no to other things, even things I enjoy. It means making intentional decisions to sit on my porch with a cup of coffee or taking a walk with my husband so we can actually have a conversation together without kids present.

I could beat myself up over missing a post or get upset when I can’t meet that self-imposed deadline, but I have to choose to be okay with it. I’m driven and goal-oriented, so rescheduling my goals is torture for me. But it’s more important that I can be present with my family in body and mind. Sometimes I have to remind myself of that.

So my question for you today is: How do you deal with the busyness of your life?